Nadia Abdalla


MSc Water Science, Policy and Management

Worcester College — Cocksey Scholarship

Funding: Oxford-Hoffmann

Nadia Abdalla is a Design Thinking and Environment Enthusiast, She is currently enrolled in MSc in Water Science, Policy and Management-University of Oxford.She has a MSc in Water resources engineering from Lund University and BSc in Civil Engineering from University of Khartoum.

Miss Nadia has 4 years experience in the environmental field in both the private and public sector;  she worked  with Mercy Corps Europe as Senior WASH Officer and has experience in policy development of renewable energy and energy efficiency for MENA countries through her work with Regional Center for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (RCREEE). To empower vulnerable and marginalized communities, Miss Abdalla co-founded a startup ( ECO Genius Innovative Environmental Solutions) in her country to address environmental issues from a social perspective and to design user- centered innovative solutions.

Nadia’s current and future project focuses on toilet access issues for both Refugee Camps and during emergency situations ( floods) and policy development and legislations to have adequate water access for the marginalized communities.


Ayan Kanhai Aman


Yawar Abbas