WHT Alumni Fund

In celebration of Alexandra Henderson’s time at the Weidenfeld-Hoffmann Trust, alumni are setting up a new WHT alumni fund, which gives a chance for you to give back to the next generation of scholars, and allow current scholars to experience the best of Oxford in a caring and welcoming environment, surrounded by colleagues and friends from WHT.

The WHT Alumni Fund will cover three areas of support:

Helping students in need

  • Contributions for emergencies

  • Mentoring support for health and well-being

  • Targeted career development

  • Mentorship travel grants for London meetings with alumni

  • Internship travel support during vacations

Enhancing student welfare

  • Funds for informal suppers in the WHT home to bring students together

  • Student-organised group picnics and trips

  • Shared WHT bicycles

  • Annual London social gathering for alumni and scholars

Building a community home

  • Developing the WHT library

  • Hosting movie nights at the house

  • Creating the WHT garden with garden furniture

  • Adding a table tennis table

  • Fully equipped work stations for scholars

WHT cohort 2024-2025 in London

We hope that you have fond memories of your time together with WHT friends and colleagues, and would like today’s students to look back with the same feelings towards WHT. We want to offer future students the same opportunities and support that WHT gave to you. However big or small your gift, we hope that you will participate in our first fundraising event amongst alumni across the years for our WHT Alumni Fund.

Your gift could be worth much more

Two generous alumni donors have recognised the transformational potential for improving students’ welfare needs, and wish to celebrate Alexandra Henderson’s tenure as CEO of WHT. They have gifted WHT a maximum of  £10,000 to match your donation before the end of 2025 in order to encourage as many alumni as possible to participate.

How it works

The alumni donors will match your gift at a ratio of 2:1. That is, for every £10 you give (excluding Gift Aid), the donors will match your gift with £20. The total you give to the WHT Alumni Fund will be worth £30.

The 2018 cohort started fundraising as a group to ensure that the Leadership and Alumni Programme continues to support future generations of Weidenfeld-Hoffmann Scholars. They hope to inspire other WHT alumni to participate each year with a contribution, however big or small a gift. Thank you!