Nicolás Gómez Ospina


MSc Law and Finance
Alan Chesters Scholarship, Keble College
Funding: Oxford-Hoffmann

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Nicolás has a Bachelor of Law from the Universidad Externado de Colombia. In 2016 Nicolás was elected to be a member of the Board of Directors of the Externado University’s Law School, a position which he held until mid-2019. He currently works as an Associate Lawyer in private practice in Bogota and is also a professor and researcher at the Externado University. In 2012 Nicolás set up and still runs a foundation with his family to provide Scholarships for those without the means to access further education to address socio-economic inequality. Nicolás intends to work to change Colombia’s incongruous Competition laws which are a large contributing factor to the socio-economic inequalities in his country.


Karan Gupta


Samuel Diaz Pulgar