Tangram — Alejandro’s Baggage to Oxford

We asked our scholars to go back to the moment they packed their luggage in preparation for their journey to Oxford. But instead of clothes and books, we asked them to think about the stories, people, memories, hopes, and all immaterial things that they would put inside. Find other stories in this series here.

Keys, phone, wallet. 
Packing is like solving
An oddly shaped tangram puzzle
With one too many circles
For a rectangular canvas

Passport, cards, tickets.
Put them inside but something stays behind
The book that José gave me, Grandma's music box
She comes to me and I cry
I would have liked to say goodbye.

Laptop, clothes, pictures.
I take them all with me
The hugs with Mum, Dad and his smile
All my friends, I try
In Kodak-magic they watch
Where are you sister?
I need you always by my side.

Hopes, dreams, desires.
But then 
Photo tangram turns
To bigger Picture in sight
What can I do with this education,
To make it better for those who can't?
So pack your bags, the sun is up
It's just about to start.


Learning the ‘How’ of Enterprises


Listening and changing the world — Moral Philosophy Seminar