Scholars’ Blog
This Blog is edited and curated by Weidenfeld-Hoffmann Trust Scholars
Debating Can Bridge the Divisions Among Us
We would benefit from having a more serious and respectful discussion about the difficult topics that divide us. And we should start by accepting that if some issue is effectively generating a divide in society, hearing both sides respectfully may be a good start. The key to debating is in listening as much as it is in speaking.
When Law and Public Policy Work Together - a WHT pro-bono project by Ana Lucía Díaz Azcunaga and Ramón Narváez Terrón
Our pro-bono project gave us the opportunity to work together to offer policy recommendations to a proposal that has not been well planned or addressed by the Federal Government.
Pop-Up Clothing Store for the Homeless in Oxford - a WHT pro-bono project by Jade Weiner
The homeless and vulnerably housed in Oxford require and deserve the care, protection and love that we often reserve for the social, academic or financial elite.
Trust and Collaboration - LDF Internship in Southern Africa
The Louis Dreyfus Foundation (LDF) is involved in developmental work in 14 countries spanning Africa, Asia and South America, and a key WHT partner. I was the inaugural WHT intern of LDF. I began my internship in the southern African country of Zambia, where I spent four months.
What To Do With Freedom? 30 Years From The Velvet Revolution
WHT alumna Zuzana Hlavkova delivered a speech at a rally that commemorated 30 years of freedom from the communist rule in Czechoslovakia on 17 November 2019 in Bratislava, Slovakia. The event was a homage to Velvet Revolution, the freedom movement that led Czechoslovakia out of a totalitarian communist regime and into democracy in 1989.
When Presentation Becomes a Quest for Personal Truth: A Retreat at the Cumberland Lodge
Former WHT scholars always looked dreamy when telling us about the days at the Cumberland Lodge. “It’s really special”, they’d recall. When our bus drove through the bare trees of Windsor Great Park, on a sunny winter morning, we were quickly ushered into the lodge’s old Victorian library to find out why.
Seeking New Opportunities where Society and Nature Meet - Q&A with Bivishika Bhandari
My activism and social entrepreneurial experience opened my eyes to larger cross-cutting issues, especially between women and the environment.
What I learnt at the Battle of Ideas 2019
At first, I thought my presence at the debates would be questioned; isn’t that for philosophy and art students?
Essay Writing Workshop: A Toolbox for Communication and Creativity
To me, the workshop was like being given a tool box filled with familiar and unfamiliar tools to use in our Oxford journey and beyond.
Access to Justice in Colombia
Access to justice for poor people is not recognised by the population as a right but as a privilege and it is only guaranteed by the Public Ministry and by the Consultorios Jurídicos (mandatory social work for law students). This leads to the fact that citizens who most need a lawyer, leave their cases in hands of the most inexperienced people.