Andrei-Robert Acs

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MSc Environmental Change and Management, 2014
Oriel College
Funding: Hoffmann

Andrei is working as a protected area specialist and trainer for the development of management skills in protected areas at the Centre for Protected Areas and Sustainable Development.

He has worked from an early age for the conservation and protection of the environment in Romania, joining the NGO Ecotop Oradea at 17 and forming an Environmental Guard team for the Padis karst plateaux, which was then declared a National Park.

After Oxford, with improved leadership skills, he became conservation manager for two Natura 2000 sites, and later executive director of the Natura 2000 Federation of Romania. He has been shortlisted for state secretary in the Ministry of Environment in Romania.

Andrei is currently based in Oradea, Romania.


Amna Sarfraz


Anthony Khong