Amna Sarfraz


Economics for Development (MSc), 2014
Corpus Christi College, Oxford

Funding: Louis Dreyfus

Amna graduated from Oxford in 2014. Prior to her MSc she received an honours degree in Economics and Engineering from Smith College in the US. Since graduating in 2011, she has spent time teaching Mathematics and Economics in Islamabad, Pakistan and has worked as an analyst for Cornerstone Research, an economic consulting firm in Boston, US. Amna firmly believes that the MSc combined with the Weidenfeld Scholarship and Leadership Programme will provide her with the necessary skills to return to Pakistan and assume a leadership position in the field of economics. With a dedication to driving economic development, Amna hopes to work with institutions such as the Sustainable Development Policy Institute or the Centre for Economic Research and find ways of improving strategic policies for domestic growth.

​Currently, she is working as the Engagement Manager at McKinsey & Company. ​


Tamas Szigeti


Andrei-Robert Acs