Bigyan Regmi


MSc in Economics for Development
Lincoln College
Funding: Oxford-Hoffmann

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Bigyan Babu Regmi, originally from Gorkha, Nepal, graduated from Duke University with a Bachelor of Science in Economics. As an undergraduate, Regmi led the TEDx organization at his college, co-founded social enterprises in Uganda and Nepal, and moderated a youth conference in Malaysia. He also worked with the Nepali government on projects related to social security, tourism, and fiscal management. Bigyan is passionate about economic development and public policy. This has led him to work with various think tanks – Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions being the most recent one – as a researcher. At Oxford, he hopes to gain a nuanced understanding of development economics while also developing important leadership skills. By pursuing further education and acquiring policy-level experience, Regmi hopes to go into politics/policymaking and contribute to the socio-economic transformation of his home country, Nepal. Bigyan writes regular op-ed articles for national dailies in Nepal.


Tamarie Rocke


Fizza Rahman