Fizza Rahman


MSc Economics for Development
Lincoln College
Funding: Oxford-Weidenfeld and Hoffmann

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Fizza Rahman has completed a BSc (Hons) degree with double majors in Economics and Finance. While working with the CARE Foundation on its Access English Language Program, she trained public school teachers in Pakistan. From 2017 to 2019, she was engaged on the National Financial Literacy Program with the State Bank of Pakistan and the Asian Development Bank. Post her graduation, she started working with the Centre of Research in Economics and Business. Fizza initiated a digital campaign in collaboration with UNDP Thailand on the MYWorld2030 Asia Pacific Program, to raise awareness on child abuse in Pakistan. Her involvement in Pakistan’s development sector helped her get recognized as a youth leader by UNESCO, in South Korea. Fizza aspires to set up a Gender Action Lab in Pakistan to devise scalable strategies and organizational practices aimed at institutionalizing gender mainstreaming in Pakistan, and to serve as an incubation lab for female-owned enterprises.


Bigyan Regmi


Melissa Penagos