Bupe Lughano Kabaghe


MSc Global Governance and Diplomacy, 2025 
Worcester College
Funding: Oxford-Hoffmann 

Bupe Lughano Kabaghe aims to contribute to African development through advancing gender equality and good governance. Lughano studied Political Science and Global Affairs as an undergraduate merit scholar at the University of Notre Dame. She founded, and currently works with, the Abana Afrika Foundation, a youth-led organisation dedicated to personal and professional mentorship for Zambian youth. Under her leadership, the foundation has mentored over 300 young Zambians in collaboration with government representatives and community organisations.

Lughano is also an alumna of the African Leadership Academy. As an academic scholar, she focuses on women's representation in government structures. Her work has been published in the Notre Dame Journal of Political Science and been presented at several conferences, including the African Studies Association Conference. She is also a Global Democracy Fellow at the Kellogg Institute for International Development Studies. After obtaining an MSc in Global Governance and Diplomacy from Oxford, Lughano plans to create and champion sustainable change in Zambia, particularly through developing and driving policies focused on women’s representation and youth education. 


Carlos Torres White


Ama Buyanlkham Munkhbayar