Ama Buyanlkham Munkhbayar


MSc Comparative Social Policy, 2025 
Trinity College
Funding: Oxford-Hoffmann 

Ama Munkhbayar is a passionate advocate for social justice from Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. Ama holds a bachelor's in Urban Studies from Columbia University during which she delved into the complexities of urban inequality and educational policy. As a 2022 UN Millennium Fellow, she advocated for the “Keeping the Girls in School Act,” a crucial legislation focused on addressing barriers to girls’ education and promoting equal access to education for all.

Currently, Ama is developing a blueprint for small business initiatives, especially within marginalised communities. Her efforts are specifically geared towards bolstering economic and social advancement, emphasising the pivotal role of girls' education in achieving socioeconomic equality. After studying at Oxford, Ama aspires to join the United Nations Girls Education Initiative (UNGEI), where she envisions pioneering initiatives that would help enhance employment prospects of underprivileged girls.  


Bupe Lughano Kabaghe


Ashim Joshi