Francisco Kerche


MSc Social Data Science, 2025 
Lincoln College, Sloane Robinson Foundation Scholarship
Funding: Oxford-Hoffmann/Chevening

Francisco has a master’s degree in Sociology from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), specialising in the political implications of algorithms. They have worked as a senior data analyst at Greenpeace Brazil, where they were responsible for integrating engagement systems into financial data in order to improve the organisation’s campaigns. They have also been a consultant for the United Nations, advising the organisation on extremist political activism on social media platforms.

Francisco has conducted research across the world studying the political impacts of technology on the Global South and has worked at universities in Brazil, Portugal, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Germany, and the UK. As an entrepreneur, Francisco has developed their own educational tech startup called Classis, which helps school coordinators build classrooms that respect students’ personal preferences. They intend to return to Brazil to improve the underdeveloped country’s third sector relationship with technology and data.


Ghislain Irakoze


Emmanuel Olweny