Juan Pablo Vásquez


MPP, 2025 
Mansfield College, Kofi Annan Scholar
Funding: Oxford-Hoffmann

Juan Pablo, a Colombian journalist, studied Law at the Universidad del Rosario and earned an LLM from the Universidad de Los Andes. His LLM thesis focused on the judicial harassment experienced by a colleague and friend who investigated cases of paedophilia in the country’s Catholic Church. Currently, he is a member of the newspaper El País, where he covers judicial matters and investigates corruption.

Juan Pablo’s recent work highlighted financial mismanagement in the Ministry of Sciences and the multimillion-dollar contracts issued by the state oil company Ecopetrol. For his investigation into Ecopetrol, he received the 2023 Simón Bolívar Journalism Award. He plans to return to Colombia and continue his journalistic research, exploring innovative formats to reach a wider audience.


May Nguyen


Ghislain Irakoze