Manuel Francisco Azuero


Master of Public Policy, 2020
Trinity College
Funding: Oxford-Weidenfeld and Hoffmann-Abraham/Rausing

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Manuel holds a BA in Business Administration from the University de los Andes in Colombia.

He is currenly an Associate of McKinsey & Company in the Social, Healthcare and Public Sector Entities SHaPE. Manuel is working with government, multilateral and social organizations to tackle complex challenges in Latin America, including access government effectiveness, financing for development and access to higher education.

Manuel was Acting Mayor (Sep-Dec 2019) of Bucaramanga in Colombia and prior to that, between 2016-2019, he was a Governance Professional and Advisor to the Mayor of Bucaramanga. In this role, he participated in the implementation of anti-corruption policies and of multiple public projects targeting the global goals and the New Urban Agenda. Before his experience in Bucaramanga’s City Hall, he was a columnist for six years at Vanguardia, and La Silla Vacía, a well-known political news portal in Colombia, between 2014-2015. His main focus of interest is policy issues on transparency, urban poverty and climate change and intends to work to shift policies that guide urban development and have considerable social and environmental impact.

Manuel is currently based in Colombia.


Alejandro Biondi Rodriguez


Valery Otieno