Noam Zamir
Bachelor of Civil Law (BCL), 2011
Worcester College
Funding: Roland Berger
After graduating with distinction from his LL.B. studies at the School of Law, the College of Management in Israel (2009), Noam completed a Bachelor of Civil Law at Oxford as a Weidenfeld Scholar (2011). After his studies at Oxford, Noam completed his doctoral studies at the University of Cambridge (Trinity College) under the supervision of Professor James Crawford in 2014.
After working in an international law firm in Paris, Noam moved to Hong Kong in 2015, where he worked as a lecturer and practised international arbitration. Noam is currently an Associate Professor of Law at Lyon Catholic University and works as a lawyer and arbitrator. He is passionate about the role the law can play in solving international disputes and promoting human rights.
Noam is currently based out of Lyon and Hong Kong.
“Thanks to the programme, I have realised that I should always aim to lead and transform the society where ever I am. I also understood better the role of liberal elite, which aims to be inclusive, empower people and improve our world. Finally, as an academic, I strive to emulate the wonderful mentoring which I have received at Oxford.”