Shivi Greenfield
DPhil Politics, 2010
Wolfson College
Funding: Weidenfeld
Shivi is currently working as Chief Strategy Officer and Deputy Director General at the Jewish Agency for Israel, the largest NGO in the Jewish world.
Before commencing his DPhil in Politics, Shivi was a social and cultural critic for Kol-Ha’ir magazine, worked as a teaching assistant in the Department of Political Science at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and as a researcher in the Chazan Centre for Social Justice, Van-Leer Institute, Jerusalem. Immediately before coming to Oxford, Shivi graduated with an MA in Political Science from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in 2007.
Since graduating from Oxford, Shivi served as a Fellow of the NYU School of Law, where he wrote on liberalism as a political theology. Shivi is currently working on a book on the Jewish metaphysics of Liberalism and the Liberal metaphysics of Judaism.
Shivi is currently based in Israel.
“The organization I am working in (the Jewish Agency) was the one to establish the State of Israel and the one currently responsible to maintaining a collective sense of belonging to the Jewish people across the diaspora of the Jewish people. WHT should receive all the credit for my decision to join this heroic goal. My initial plans were to pursue a career in the academy. My experience at WHT, and conversations with Lord Weidenfeld, have led me to decide to leave academia and act instead in the world.”