Sinnah Lamin

Sierra Leone

MSc International Health & Tropical Medicine, 2025 
Lincoln College, Sloane Robinson Foundation Scholarship
Funding: Oxford-Hoffmann 

Sinnah Lamin is a public health professional originally from Sierra Leone. She holds an undergraduate degree in healthcare management from Southern New Hampshire University (Global perspective). She is currently a Princeton in Africa fellow supporting the International Rescue Committee in Kenya. Sinnah has also worked with UNICEF on launching an innovative finance program for early childhood education in Rwanda as well as assisting Doctors Without Borders with their menstrual health assessment project in Cameroon. Further, she has contributed to scaling digital health solutions with a healthcare startup in Nigeria. She founded ‘Caring for Girls,’ a non-profit initiative that has significantly improved the lives of over 3,000 women and girls in Sierra Leone by providing essential reproductive health education and services.

By joining Oxford, Sinnah hopes to deepen her knowledge in global health leadership and management by utilizing Oxford’s academic resources and diverse community. Sinnah aspires to influence policy and drive meaningful change in public health, especially in resource-limited settings.


Yajju Pradhan