Yajju Pradhan


MSc Environmental Change & Management, 2025 
Mansfield College, Kofi Annan Scholar
Funding: Oxford-Weidenfeld and Hoffmann

Yajju Pradhan is an aspiring environmental researcher and enthusiast from Nepal. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Earth and Environmental Sciences from Seoul National University, South Korea and is a recipient of the Korean Government Scholarship Program. Yajju has worked with the UNDP Seoul Policy Centre on community-based forest management and forest fire prevention initiatives to enhance community resilience in developing nations. In her recent role at the Institute for Integrated Development Studies (IIDS), she conducted policy research on various aspects of achieving net-zero in Nepal.

Additionally, Yajju has contributed to organising training sessions on climate-smart agriculture and been a part of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR)’s Foresight Partnership Forum. At Oxford, she looks forward to gaining skills and knowledge that complement real-world application, aiming to develop sustainable strategies for pressing environmental challenges, especially those affecting vulnerable communities in the Global South.


Sinnah Lamin


Veronika Alieksieienko