Zuzana Hlavkova


Master of Public Policy (MPP), 2019
New College, Oxford

Funding: Oxford-Weidenfeld and Hoffmann-Barnett

Zuzana is a civil service and anti-corruption campaigner and believes strongly in the power of education in building more just and inclusive societies. She worked at Transparency International Slovakia providing training in ethics and anticorruption for civil servants,and support for whistle-blowers.

She is a former Slovak Ministry of Foreign Affairs employee who quit her job over corrupt practices and made them public. Turning into an anti-corruption activist, she used her public platform to raise awareness of the importance of individual voices in standing up to injustice among young people. She also taught global affairs and active citizenship at a Bratislava high school. Zuzana previously studied languages in the Czech Republic and cultural studies as the Mundus Master scholar at universities in Spain, Scotland and Mexico.


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