Tamas Szigeti


Law (DPhil), 2015
Lincoln College, Oxford

Funding: Louis Dreyfus-Roland Berger

Tamas completed his DPhil in Law at Oxford in 2014 as a Weidenfeld-Roland Berger Scholar, having previously studied for an MPhil in Law (2013) and the Magister Juris Programme (2011), the latter as a Louis Dreyfus-Weidenfeld  Scholar.

Prior to coming to Oxford, Tamas obtained an LL.D. from the ELTE University Budapest (2009) and spent a year as an exchange student at the Université Paris 2 Panthéon-Assas II, France’s foremost law school. He worked as a Legal Officer for Transparency International Hungary, where he led research on the transparency of public procurements. Tamas co-founded and chaired the Human Rights Academic Student Circle in the Department of Constitutional Law at Budapest University.

During his time at the University of Oxford, Tamas helped to organise a Weidenfeld Debate on ‘the segregation of minorities in education in Eastern Europe.’

Currently, he work at the EU Commission DG CONNECT at its inter-institutional unit as public officer focusing on all legislative initiatives in digital.


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