Sampad Patnaik


MSc Contemporary India*, 2015
St Hilda's College
Funding: Barbara Walters

Sampad Patnaik is a recipient of the Homi Bhaba Fellowship for 2023-25. He has worked as a journalist with The Indian Express and Reuters News.

In Oxford, Sampad completed his MSc in Modern South Asian Studies. Sampad also received an MPhil degree in South Asian Studies from the University of Cambridge. Sampad has worked as a PRS LAMP Fellow with an Indian Parliamentarian.

At present, Sampad contributes, in the capacity of a freelance journalist, to publications such as The Wire, Down to Earth, and Open Magazine. He is a regular panelist with the Tata Lit Fest (Bhubaneswar).

Read Sampad’s article on The Creative Possibilities of Gandhian Non-Violence

*currently MSc Modern South Asian Studies


Rubeena Mahato


Shohini Sengupta